
In the world of specialty coffee, few stories are as vibrant and full of character as that of SipWithMe’s national roaster partner, Metropolis Coffee Company

Founded in 2003 by a dynamic father-son duo, Jeff and Tony Dreyfuss, Metropolis’ origins are as unique as the brand itself. 

Legend has it that Jeff and Tony, fueled by their love for great coffee—and perhaps a few too many double shots—found themselves at a roaster manufacturer’s booth after participating in an espresso-drinking competition. 

Whether it was the caffeine buzz or their shared passion for coffee, the world may never know, but the pair impulsively purchased a 12 kg roaster without a plan for where to put it. And just like that, Metropolis was born.

Jeff and Tony, a philosopher and a linguist, respectively, infused the brand with their love for science fiction, fantasy, and lore. This creative and modern approach quickly positioned Metropolis as the coffee brand that Chicago didn’t know it needed. 

What started as a small operation has since evolved into a robust coffee empire. Today, Metropolis roasts in an impressive 18,000-square-foot roastery along the North Branch of the Chicago River, and they just opened a state-of-the-art cafe at O’Hare. Despite this growth, they’ve stayed true to their roots, still operating the cozy Edgewater Café where it all began.

Metropolis’ reach now extends far beyond Chicagoland. You’ll find their meticulously crafted coffee in hundreds of multifamily communities, partner cafés, restaurants, grocers, hotels and offices across North America, Europe and the Middle East. Yet, no matter where their coffee is served, the essence of Metropolis remains the same: an approachable, community-focused brand where everyone has a seat at the table.

At Metropolis, coffee isn’t just a beverage; it’s a craft. Each batch is hand-roasted to order, with meticulous attention to detail. Their commitment to freshness is unmatched, with every batch nitrogen-flushed to preserve ultimate flavor. This dedication to quality is a reflection of their love for the bean.

It also isn’t just about creating exceptional coffee. It’s about making a positive impact on the global coffee community. All of Metropolis’ coffee is purchased well over the fair trade price from transparent and sustainable brokers and farmers. This commitment ensures that everyone involved in the coffee supply chain benefits, from the growers to the consumers.

Metropolis believes that great coffee should improve the lives of everyone who touches it. This ethos is not only reflected in their sourcing practices, it also means fostering a diverse and supportive environment for their employees and putting immense love and care into every aspect of roasting, packaging, and brewing.

In line with their commitment to fostering a supportive coffee community, Metropolis Coffee created Metropolis Workshop. This co-packing service was designed to help other coffee companies—competitors included—scale their operations without compromising on quality. By sharing their expertise, Metropolis Workshop embodies the company’s dedication to collaboration and community support within the coffee industry.

Metropolis Coffee isn’t your average roaster. With their quirky outlook inspired by the worlds of science fiction and fantasy, they’ve created a brand that’s both innovative and grounded in tradition. Their mission, “Great Coffee for Everyone,” is more than just a slogan—it’s a promise to make great coffee accessible, sustainable and welcoming to all.

In partnering with Metropolis Coffee, SipWithMe isn’t just offering multifamily properties a great cup of coffee. We’re sharing a story—one that’s filled with passion, creativity and a dedication to making the world of coffee a better place. Every sip of Metropolis Coffee is a testament to their commitment to quality and community.

Just like Metropolis, SipWithMe believes that great coffee should improve the lives of everyone it touches (it’s no wonder we make such a great team). In our case, this means creating moments of joy for residents and simplifying life for property management teams. 

With all-inclusive pricing, customizable packages, and innovative Cup Allowance technology, SipWithMe not only helps property managers keep costs in check while delivering an exceptional coffee experience. By collaborating with the nation’s top craft roasters and embracing state-of-the-art bean-to-cup devices, we elevate a daily ritual into something truly special. But it’s more than just coffee—it’s about bringing people together, sparking new friendships, and deepening connections within the community.

To learn more about how Metropolis is pursuing their mission to craft “great coffee for everyone,” visit metropoliscoffee.com.    

To bring SipWithMe to your multifamily community, get in touch

Coffee saves lives!

It may seem like an overly dramatic statement, but believe it or not, your morning coffee could be positively impacting your health!

Beyond its delightful taste and the immediate energy boost it provides, scientific studies have uncovered a wealth of health benefits associated with America’s favorite morning beverage. Nutrition experts at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine note that coffee is a rich source of antioxidants, and it also contains many other active substances that result in much more than just a quick pick-me-up.

Without further ado, let's delve into the top health benefits of drinking coffee and how it contributes to a longer (and happier) life.

Coffee can lengthen lifespans.

In 2017, the British Medical Association's BMJ published the results of an extensive analysis of nearly 220 research studies on coffee. Researchers determined that coffee drinkers were 17% less likely to die early from any cause than non-coffee drinkers.

In 2022, The Annals of Internal Medicine corroborated those 2017 findings, publishing research that correlated moderate consumption of unsweetened and sugar-sweetened coffee with a lower risk for death. Participants who drank 1.5 - 3.5 cups of coffee per day had a 30% lower risk of death from any cause during the study.

Coffee can stave off Type 2 diabetes.

Coffee may play a pivotal role in enhancing the body's processing of glucose or sugar.

One review of 30 independent research studies found that each cup of coffee consumed per day lowered the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes by 6%.

A 2014 Harvard study that tracked nearly 124,000 people revealed that over a four-year period, participants who increased their coffee intake by more than 1 cup a day had an 11% lower risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. Participants who decreased their intake by 1 cup per day had a 17% higher risk of developing the disease.

Why? Studies have found coffee preserves the function of the beta cells in the pancreas, which produce the insulin responsible for regulating blood sugar levels. The antioxidants in coffee may also directly impact insulin sensitivity, inflammation, and metabolism — all of which contribute to the onset of the disease.

Coffee can both prevent and delay Parkinson's Disease.

Coffee consumption not only lowers the likelihood of developing Parkinson's, but it also has substantial health benefits for those already diagnosed. The caffeine in coffee may help slow the progression of the disease, and in 2012, research published by the American Academy of Neurology revealed a daily dose of caffeine equivalent to two 8 oz. cups of black coffee could help control the involuntary movements characteristic of the disease.

Coffee can improve DNA strength.

Dark roast coffee emerges as a hero in DNA maintenance.

In a study published by The European Journal of Nutrition, a test group drank 500 milliliters of dark roast coffee per day, while the control group consumed water. On the last day of each period, blood tests assessed the level of DNA strand breakage. The coffee drinkers had significantly fewer strand breaks compared to the water drinkers.

Similarly, a 2011 article in Molecular Nutrition and Food Research revealed that drinking 750 milliliters of coffee reduced natural DNA breakage by one-third, and that reduction continued several hours later.

Coffee can prevent Alzheimer’s Disease.

In a 2012 study published in The Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, researchers tested the blood caffeine levels in seniors with mild cognitive impairments (MGI), a potential precursor to severe dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Over a 2-4-year period, participants whose initial blood levels contained caffeine amounts equivalent to about three cups of coffee were far less likely to have progressed to full-blown dementia, and none of them converted to Alzheimer’s.

Coffee can lower the risk of stroke.

The aforementioned BMJ report revealed that consuming 3 cups of coffee a day results in a 30% lower risk of stroke.

A similar review of 21 studies showed that drinking 3-5 cups of coffee daily was associated with a 21% lower risk of stroke.

Coffee can improve heart health.

In 2021, the American Heart Association published the results of a study focused on data from three top heart disease studies: the Framingham Heart Study, the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study, and the Cardiovascular Health Study. Researchers found that drinking one or more cups of caffeinated coffee each day significantly reduced a person's long-term risk of heart failure.

An exhaustive 2023 review of the literature published on the link between coffee consumption and cardiovascular disease led researchers to report that moderate coffee consumption leads to a decrease in all-cause and cardiovascular-related mortality, hypertension, cholesterol, heart failure, and atrial fibrillation.

Researchers hypothesize that coffee helps to improve blood vessel control over flow and pressure.

Coffee can reduce the risk of melanoma.

In 2015, the Journal of the National Cancer Institute published the results of a study that observed the coffee-drinking habits of more than 447,000 people over a decade. Participants who drank four or more cups of caffeinated coffee each day had a 20% lower risk of developing melanoma than those who drank decaf or no coffee at all.

Coffee can lower the risk of depression.

In an analysis of seven studies that included 330,677 participants, researchers found a 24% reduced risk of depression when comparing the highest (4.5 cups/day) to lowest (<1 cup) coffee intakes. They also found an 8% decreased risk of depression with each additional cup of coffee consumed.

A study following 263,923 retirees found that those who drank four or more cups of coffee a day were almost 10% less likely to become depressed than those who drank none.

Coffee can improve social health.

Studies have shown that holding a hot beverage substantially increases feelings of connectedness and trust. Read all about it in our recent blog post!

Coffee can even improve athletic performance!

Have you ever wondered if your morning brew does more than just wake you up? Well, it turns out that coffee benefits extend into realms we seldom consider, such as athletic performance. Yes, you read that right. Is coffee good for you when it comes to your workout routine? Absolutely!

Caffeine, the primary component of coffee, is a powerful ergogenic aid that can significantly enhance physical performance. It increases adrenaline levels in your blood, preparing your body for intense physical exertion.

Additionally, caffeine breaks down body fat, making free fatty acids available as fuel.

This means, with a cup of coffee pre-workout, you might find yourself running faster or lifting heavier than you thought possible.

Advice for coffee drinkers.

For all the coffee lovers out there, enjoying your favorite beverage responsibly is paramount to reaping the health benefits without any downsides.

First and foremost, listen to your body. Each person's tolerance to caffeine varies, and it's crucial to adjust your intake accordingly.

Second, avoid loading your coffee with excessive sugar and cream. These additions can negate the positive effects of coffee by adding unnecessary calories and fats. Opt for healthier alternatives, like almond milk or a dash of cinnamon.

And finally, timing is everything. Enjoying your coffee in the morning or early afternoon can prevent sleep disturbances.

How much coffee is safe to drink in a day?

This question often brews confusion among coffee enthusiasts. The consensus among health experts is that 3-4 cups per day (up to 400 milligrams of caffeine) are considered safe for most adults. This amount has been linked to numerous health benefits, including reduced risk of several diseases.

However, it's essential to consider individual sensitivity to caffeine, as some people may experience anxiety or jitters, even with small amounts. Pregnant women and individuals with certain health conditions should consult with a healthcare provider for personalized advice.

Remember, when it comes to coffee, more isn't always better. Drinking coffee within these guidelines can help you enjoy its perks without risking negative effects.

Remember, what you add to your coffee can make or break your drink.

In the quest to enjoy the health benefits of coffee, it's easy to forget that what we add to our cup can significantly impact its nutritional value. While black coffee is low in calories and rich in antioxidants, adding sugar, syrups, or heavy cream can transform your healthy beverage into a calorie-laden treat.

To keep your coffee beneficial, consider alternatives like stevia for sweetness or plant-based milk for creaminess. These simple swaps can help maintain the integrity of your coffee, ensuring you enjoy all the coffee benefits without compromising your health goals.

Keep the coffee to the adults.

While we've discussed the myriad health benefits of coffee for adults, it's important to note that coffee isn't recommended for everyone. Children and adolescents, in particular, should steer clear of caffeine. Younger bodies are more sensitive to caffeine's effects, which can lead to sleep disturbances, increased heart rate, and heightened anxiety.

Instead, encourage water, milk, or herbal teas for the younger crowd. By keeping coffee to the adults, we're keeping coffee to the people who can truly enjoy the health benefits of coffee — without risking long-term effects.

Dealing with acid reflux? Try going decaf.

For those who experience acid reflux or GERD, the thought of giving up coffee can be upsetting. However, you don't have to miss out on the ritual of enjoying a warm cup. Decaffeinated coffee offers a great alternative, allowing you to enjoy the comfort of coffee without the caffeine that can trigger acid reflux symptoms.

Recent studies suggest that decaf coffee still retains the antioxidants and nutrients found in regular coffee, meaning you won't have to compromise on the many benefits of coffee. Switching to decaf can be a game-changer for those sensitive to caffeine.

Coffee is a good thing — so why not make it accessible to all your residents?

The evidence is compelling – your morning cup of coffee might be doing more for you than just waking you up. From warding off neurodegenerative diseases to improving mental health, coffee has become a surprising ally in our quest for a healthier and happier life.

The next time you savor that steaming cup of joe, know that you're not just indulging in a delightful ritual but also contributing to your overall well-being.

A truly exceptional coffee amenity not only has the power to deliver these life-saving health benefits in the form of a great beverage, but it can also transform every facet of multifamily living. Learn more about how SipWithMe can help elevate your resident experience, decrease your operating expenses, and build a stronger community.

Property management isn’t just about managing spaces. It’s about fostering environments where residents feel a genuine sense of belonging. 

Science has proven there’s a simple, yet powerful way to instantly cultivate connectedness and trust – and it’s physical warmth. 

In this blog, we’ll explore a scientific study that sheds light on the link between tactile temperature and feelings of interpersonal warmth (that pleasant, content feeling you get during a positive interaction with someone). 

Understanding this connection can be the secret to building stronger multifamily communities - and at the end of this blog, we’ll share one simple trick that can revolutionize your community-building efforts. 

The Origins 

The concept of “warm” and “cold” personalities dates back to 1946, when researcher Samuel Asch demonstrated the transformational power of using the two terms as personality traits in first impressions. 

Simply stated, when you meet someone, your brain almost immediately decides whether that person is warm and friendly, with good intentions, or cold and distant, with negative intentions.

The “warm-cold dimension,” along with competence, are the two main components of a first impression. The warm-cold assessment is the immediate “first pass” as to whether someone is a friend or a foe, and competence is the “second pass” evaluation of whether someone has the capacity to act on the intentions you perceive. 

So why do we naturally use terms like "warm" or "cold" to describe people? Asch hinted at something interesting – our brains love drawing from concrete physical experiences to make sense of abstract psychological concepts. 

Think about it. When you hold a hot cup of coffee, it feels comforting, right? That physical warmth activates memories of other feelings related to warmth, including trust and comfort. Take formative early experiences with caretakers who provide shelter and safety, for example. 

In plain talk, if you've got a toasty beverage in your hand, you're more likely to feel connected and trust the people around you. Conversely, if you're cold, you'll feel more distant and guarded. 

The Science 

Now, let's delve into the neuroscience of it all. 

Research has proven that the insular cortex, a region of the brain, processes both the physical and the psychological versions of warmth information. 

To put it simply, the insular cortex is involved in both feeling warm physically and deciding if someone is trustworthy or not. It's like your brain saying, "I feel safe and warm – this person must be okay."

The Study

In 2008, based on Asch’s theories and the knowledge of the insular cortex’s functions, a team of researchers set out to test the hypothesis that tactile experiences of physical warmth activate feelings of interpersonal warmth - and that interpersonal warmth subsequently influences judgments of and behavior toward other people.

In the first experiment, participants who were asked to briefly hold a cup of hot coffee perceived the person who handed it to them as significantly warmer than those who were asked to hold an iced coffee. 

The second experiment extended these findings to participants' own behavior. Under the guise of product evaluation, participants were asked to review a hot or cold therapeutic pad. As a reward for their review, participants were given the opportunity to select a gift certificate for themselves or gift one to a friend. Not surprisingly, 54% percent of heating pad evaluators gifted their reward, in comparison to only 25% of cold pad evaluators. 

The Opportunities

At this point, you’re probably wondering how any of this relates to multifamily. 

But, if you stop to think about it, understanding the immense impact of physical warmth on interpersonal perceptions and behavior can be a true game-changer for property management. 

A coffee amenity, the ultimate source of physical warmth, may seem simple and unassuming, but it has the incredible power to build trust and likability in your community.

Want to immediately build rapport and trust with prospective residents? Hand them a warm drink before starting a tour.

Want to help residents build relationships? Host tasting events where everyone has a hot beverage in hand.

​​Want to generate a positive connection with your on-site team or candidates? Treat them to a warm drink during team-building activities and interviews.

Recognizing the profound influence of physical warmth on interpersonal warmth opens up exciting possibilities for community-building. With the help of coffee amenities like SipWithMe, property management leaders can turn the simple act of sharing coffee into a powerful tool for community development, making properties not just spaces to inhabit but communities to belong to.

Interested in cultivating connectedness with coffee at your property? Learn more about how SipWithMe can help you elevate your resident experience, decrease your operating expenses and build a stronger community. 

Multifamily proptech company brings its innovative coffee amenity to the greater Charlotte area, with Summit Coffee serving as exclusive roaster partner. 

Chicago - (December 21, 2023) SipWithMe, the innovative bean-to-cup coffee amenity for multifamily, launches in the greater Charlotte area this week. Committed to supporting local roasters, WithMe has selected North Carolina-based Summit Coffee as its exclusive roaster partner in the market. 

SipWithMe is not only elevating coffee amenities in apartment communities all across the United States, it’s also helping property managers reduce their operating expenses by up to 60%. 

Every SipWithMe machine is stocked with locally sourced beans and can craft more than 20 roast-to-order, barista-quality beverages in seconds. SipWithMe devices in Charlotte will feature three hand-selected Summit blends: Pitch Black, Basecamp, Kilimanjaro. Residents can conveniently order through their electronic devices or on the machine’s HD display. 

Designed with the unique needs of property managers in mind, SipWithMe offers proprietary allowance technology to prevent excessive consumption, as well as inventory management assistance and robust live support. 

“We are elated to be working with Summit Coffee,” says Jim Carbone, Vice President of Operations for WithMe, Inc., parent company of SipWithMe. “Their mission to create moments of joy through coffee perfectly complements our commitment to create a memorable coffee experience for multifamily residents, and we are thrilled to be able to support a roaster so dedicated to protecting the environment and enacting positive change in communities around the world.”

Founded in 1998 in Davidson, North Carolina, Summit Coffee is an award-winning roaster with more than a dozen cafes across the Southeast United States. They are certified Organic, Climate Neutral and a member of 1% For the Planet. Committed to using their platform to help others, they have implemented myriad campaigns benefitting foundations in their immediate communities and beyond.

“Summit is excited to partner with SipWithMe to bring great coffee to residents across the Charlotte metro area,” says Wholesale Manager Katie Stanley. “We look forward to their growth and to seeing more people enjoy Summit's coffee throughout their partner properties.”

In addition to Charlotte, SipWithMe is currently available in Atlanta, Austin, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Houston, Los Angeles, Madison, Milwaukee, Minneapolis-St. Paul, Nashville, New York City, Orlando, Philadelphia, Phoenix, San Francisco, Seattle, Tampa, South Florida and Washington, D.C. 

About Summit Coffee

Based in North Carolina, Summit is an award-winning coffee roaster that prides itself on providing customers with the best version of the coffee that they want. Summit is certified Organic and Climate Neutral, as well as a member of 1% For the Planet. 

Summit considers it their purpose to create moments of joy. They aim to offer these moments through their 12+ cafes in the Southeast U.S.; through their dynamic wholesale partnerships, delivering coffee to customers all over the country; and through their intentional impact efforts, where they invest in their local communities and coffee farmers around the world. For more information, visit www.summitcoffee.com.

About WithMe, Inc.

WithMe, Inc. makes people's lives better every day through convenient, technology-powered amenities for the multifamily industry and beyond. WithMe’s PrintWithMe and SipWithMe solutions make resident printing and coffee simple, helping property management leaders deliver an elevated living experience and meet evolving resident needs for remote/hybrid work spaces, while simultaneously decreasing spend, controlling costs and saving time for staff. PrintWithMe powers printer amenities and staff solutions at thousands of multifamily, cafe and coworking locations across all 50 states. SipWithMe, which is now available in major markets, is disrupting the coffee amenity category. WithMe is an Inc. 5000 fastest growing company, appearing on the list for the past three consecutive years. Learn more at www.withme.com.  

The holidays should be a time of joy and excitement, but for those who can’t be with loved ones, they can create feelings of overwhelming loneliness and sadness.  

On-site teams have the incredible opportunity to help residents feel the warmth of the season, literally and figuratively, with an unassuming amenity - the coffee machine (bonus points if it’s SipWithMe)!

A holiday coffee and cocoa tasting can be an easy and cost-effective way to generate meaningful resident interaction and create holiday cheer - and we’re here to help you sleigh one with a few tried-and-tested tips from our playbook! 

Coffee and cocoa tasting events not only remind residents about your amenity, they also foster meaningful interaction. 

And what happens when residents build strong relationships in their building and have access to amenities they truly value? They’re more likely to renew their leases.

This holiday season, treat your residents to holiday warmth and give yourself the gift of increased satisfaction and retention. 

Two years ago, with coffee legend Jim Carbone at the helm, WithMe embarked on a mission to elevate multifamily coffee. 

Join us as we take a closer look at our brew-tiful journey!

How It Started

Creating SipWithMe was no small feat. 

One of the hallmarks of SipWithMe’s sister amenity solution, PrintWithMe, is pioneering technology that allows multifamily owners and operators to set limits on the number of free prints residents receive each month. 

Naturally, we wanted to integrate that same powerful and valuable functionality into our coffee amenity solution, so we we partnered with one of the world's leading bean-to-cup brewer manufacturers to help bring our vision to life. Together, we created a powerful solution tailored to the unique needs of multifamily. 

But creating the ideal brewer was just the beginning of our vision. Determined to raise the bar on multifamily coffee even higher, we set out to find a way to deliver multifamily properties the freshest coffee of the highest caliber. Ultimately, we determined the ideal way to do that was to partner with a local vendor in every market.

To do this day, we take great pride in sourcing all of our coffee beans from local craft roasters. Not only do these partnerships help us guarantee quality and freshness, they directly support the communities we serve. Each of our roaster partners plays a pivotal role in ensuring that residents consistently enjoy the finest SipWithMe beverages. 

Because our brewers are able to craft more than 20 different beverages, we also had to ensure all additional ingredients matched the caliber of our craft roasted beans. We carefully sourced the most delectable premium cocoa and vanilla flavors on the market, and our real non-fat milk powder froths up so perfectly, it’s like a barista did it.

Our final goal for SipWithMe was to solve the variable cost of multifamily coffee amenities. And we succeeded. The average cost of a coffee amenity ranges anywhere from $1,000 to $4,000 per month - with many premium programs boasting price tags much greater than that. Our innovative Cup Allowance program offers a cost-effective solution, helping properties reduce their coffee operating expenses by up to 60%. 

WithMe is headquartered in Chicago, and Jim lives in the nearby suburbs, so we set our sights on the Windy City for our launch. Jim, the consummate coffee connoisseur, leveraged his strong relationship with Metropolis Coffee Company to bring them on board as our first roaster, and it proved to be the beginning of a beautiful relationship. 

We installed our first machine at Hubbard Place, in Chicago’s River North neighborhood, on October 28, 2021.

But it hasn’t always been smooth sailing. 

For example, because our machines need to be online constantly, poor cell reception and unreliable Wi-Fi concerns presented significant challenges in the early stages of SipWithMe. Thankfully, we devised solutions that have helped to overcome that hurdle. 

No matter what obstacles our team faces, we always work quickly and diligently to find solutions, and we continually look for opportunities to improve and perfect our service. 

How It’s Going

Over the past two years, we've achieved remarkable growth. By the close of 2023, we’ll have roughly 200 machines across 15 different cities, with ambitious plans for further expansion. By the close of 2024, we aim to expand our presence to over 25 markets and have more than 400 machines in operation. 

We routinely survey our SipWithMe partners, and in 2023, we have earned a “Great” NPS score of 60. We’ve also seen incredible usage rates, with 51.7% of units using SipWithMe at least once per year. 

As we celebrate SipWithMe's second anniversary, we look back on the challenges we've conquered, the milestones we've achieved and the vision that propels us forward. Our journey has been marked by innovation, collaboration and the pursuit of excellence. Here's to two years of SipWithMe - and many more to come!

In the world of multifamily coffee, where the art of brewing meets the demands of modern living, one name stands out as the trailblazer of innovation – Jim Carbone

With an illustrious career spanning multiple decades and multiple businesses, coupled with a deep-rooted passion for the coffee industry, Jim can undoubtedly be dubbed “the most interesting man in multifamily coffee." 

Let's delve into Jim's fascinating journey through the world of coffee, from his early days in the vending business to his current role at WithMe, Inc.

Jim's fascination with coffee began at a very young age, and throughout his teenage years, he worked for a family-owned vending business. Captivated by the intricate process of cleaning, filling and maintaining the coffee machines, Jim’s love for coffee only continued to grow, and he spent the first decade of his career in the retail space.

Jim’s enterprising spirit eventually led him out of retail and into the world of owning and operating his own businesses. From a convenience store to an equipment distributorship to an amusement company specializing in video games, Jim tried his hand at a variety of entrepreneurial pursuits. 

But he always came back to coffee. 

Jim successfully launched three different coffee vending services, but it was his final venture, Tradecraft Outfitters, that cemented his status as an iconic coffee connoisseur. 

Tradecraft aimed to revolutionize craft coffee distribution - and ended up taking it to a level previously uncharted. In partnership with the country’s top roasters, Tradecraft distributed a wide array of coffee and beverages to businesses nationwide.  

They helped corporations (including Yelp and Google) set up everything from simple coffee programs to full-fledged barista-run coffee bars. They dabbled in hospitality, offering their services to fine dining establishments and cafes. They were instrumental in opening hundreds of cafes and coffee shops across the United States.

With Jim at the helm, Tradecraft ended up being so wildly successful, it sold to UK-based Compass Group, the largest food service company in the world. Jim remained involved as the National VP of Business Development until he retired in 2020. The company is still going strong to this day. 

Jim’s retirement was short-lived. In 2021, he was coaxed back into the coffee world by Jonathan Treble to embark on a new venture - SipWithMe.

So, what led Jim to dive back into the coffee world with SipWithMe? It gave him the opportunity to use his extensive entrepreneurial experience and carefully cultivated industry relationships to create something truly unique for the multifamily industry. SipWithMe aimed to transform the coffee experience for residents, providing a sense of excitement and delight every morning.

The most rewarding aspect of multifamily coffee, according to Jim, is the enthusiasm people have for their daily cup of joe. SipWithMe brings an elevated coffee experience to residents, making that daily ritual even more enjoyable.

When asked about his favorite SipWithMe beverage, Jim admitted that he starts his day with a good, strong cup of black coffee, but after a few cups, he likes to indulge in a vanilla coffee – a testament to the quality and variety that SipWithMe offers.

Jim Carbone's journey in the coffee world exemplifies the power of passion, innovation and a strong commitment to providing people with an exceptional coffee experience. With SipWithMe, he is not only making mornings brighter, but he’s also shaping the future of multifamily coffee for communities across the United States. 

Jim Carbone is, without a doubt, a true coffee connoisseur and the most interesting man in multifamily coffee.


It's the comforting ritual that gets the day started. It's the complement to conversation. It's warmth on a cold day.

It's a beloved beverage that deserves to be celebrated.

And that's exactly what happens each year on September 29.

How It Started

National Coffee Day celebrations are rumored to have started in 2005. However, it wasn't until 2009, when the Southern Food and Beverage Museum in New Orleans declared September 29 as National Coffee Day, that it started gaining recognition as a "holiday."

How It's Going

Though originally created to kick off the inaugural New Orleans Coffee Festival, National Coffee Day has since evolved into a celebration observed and embraced by coffee lovers nationwide.

Considering the United States consumes more coffee than any other country in the world, and drinking it became something of a patriotic duty after the Boston Tea Party, it only seems fitting that we have our own day to celebrate. The rest of the globe salutes their love for java on International Coffee Day, observed October 1.

How to Celebrate

Want to mark the occasion with more than just an average cup of joe? There are a whole latte different ways to espresso your love for coffee (sorry, we couldn't resist...).

☕️ Head to a SipWithMe machine and customize your favorite beverage!

☕️ Surprise a friend, family member or co-worker with their favorite coffee drink.

☕️ Support a local coffee roaster by purchasing a bag of their beans to enjoy at home.

☕️ Meet up with a friend at your favorite coffee shop to enjoy a handcrafted beverage and meaningful conversation.

☕️ Try something new! Get out of your coffee rut and try a new blend or a new type of coffee-based beverage.

☕️ Give your coffee amenity a jolt by upgrading to SipWithMe! Drop us a line, and you could be drinking barista-quality coffee every day of the year!

Coffee Holidays

Did you know there are multiple opportunities to celebrate coffee throughout the year? Here are a few of our favorites:

September 29: National Mocha Day

October 1: International Coffee Day

October 7: National Frappe Day

October 28: SipWithMe's Birthday

November 8: National Cappuccino Day

November 23: National Espresso Day

December 3: National Peppermint Latte Day

December 15: National Gingerbread Latte Day

If you want to plan ahead for next year...

January 20: National Coffee Break Day

January 25: Irish Coffee Day

February 11: National Latte Day

April 20: National Cold Brew Day

July 26: National Coffee Milkshake Day

August: National Coffee Month

September 6: National Coffee Ice Cream Day

Be sure to follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest for celebratory recipes throughout the year!

Coffee Fun Facts

A fun fact about these fun facts? They're all featured on the HD displays built into our SipWithMe devices.

☕️ Coffee is created from the roasted and ground seeds of the fruit of a coffee tree - Coffea - which grows in tropical climates all around the world.

☕️ Legend has it that Kaldi, a 9th century goat herder, first discovered coffee in a forest in Ethiopia, when he noticed his goats were extra energized after eating mysterious beans. However, it wasn't until the 1700s that the beverage started to spread worldwide.

☕️ Coffee trees take 2-5 years to mature before being able to produce coffee cherries. The slow development of the plant leads to a richer and more developed taste in each cup of coffee. Once the cherries are ripened, farmers will harvest around 1-1.5 pounds of coffee per tree (annually).

☕️ Most coffee producing companies are found near the Equator, between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, where there is continuous rainfall. This area is known as the "Coffee Belt."

☕️ There are 2 main types of coffee: arabica and robusta. Though there are hundreds of species of coffee plants, arabica and robusta are the most used commercially. Arabica is sweeter, with higher acidity, featuring complex aromas and flavors. Robusta is smaller, has a higher caffeine content and features an intense, full-bodied taste.

☕️ Coffee drinkers tend to live longer! Studies have shown that people who drink coffee in moderation have a longer lifespan, plus a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 Diabetes and Parkinson's.

☕️ Espresso means "pressed out" in Italian. Espresso is traditionally made by pressing coffee grounds very tightly and forcing boiling water through the packed grounds.

☕️ Coffee is one of the most traded commodities in the world, followed closely by oil.

☕️ Coffee has more flavors than wine. Coffee has about 1,500 aromatic characteristics, while wine only has 200.

Let's all raise our mugs high to celebrate the joy and connection coffee brings to our lives. Happy National Coffee Day!

Multifamily proptech company brings its innovative coffee amenity to Seattle and partners with Seattle-based Caffe Vita.

Chicago - (March 23, 2023) SipWithMe, the elevated coffee amenity for multifamily properties, launches in the Seattle market this week. Committed to supporting local roasters, WithMe has hand-selected Seattle-based Caffe Vita as its exclusive coffee supplier in the market.

“WithMe is thrilled to introduce SipWithMe to the Seattle market and support the local economy by partnering with Caffe Vita,” said Jim Carbone, vice president of operations. “Our machines are elevating the resident experience and innovating a staple amenity. SipWithMe’s roast-to-order technology means residents have access to fresh, barista-quality beverages with the push of a button.”

SipWithMe has been elevating resident coffee amenities in multifamily properties since 2021. Every SipWithMe machine is stocked with fresh, locally sourced beans and can craft more than 20 roast-to-order, barista-quality beverages in seconds. Residents can conveniently order through their electronic devices or on the machine’s HD display. SipWithMe was also designed with property managers in mind, offering proprietary technology to quietly monitor and limit excessive consumption, as well as inventory management assistance and robust support.

Caffe Vita, the local coffee supplier for Seattle SipWithMe devices, has been honing their craft for over 25 years. Rooted in the belief that meaningful connections make life better, the team at Vita believes great coffee has the power to bring people together and create a community that cares. They currently operate stores in Seattle, Phoenix and New York.

“We’re incredibly excited to be moving forward as partners with SipWithMe,” said Nathan Lowe, marketing manager. “Our goal at Vita is to create connections through coffee - and SipWithMe will be helping us do just that. By bringing our locally roasted, specialty coffee to more multifamily, coworking and business environments, opportunities abound for folks to gather intentionally and commune over a cup of great coffee. Whether you’re trying to be productive, trying to socialize or trying to relax, we’re excited that more people will have the opportunity to do it with the coffee that we’ve been putting our heart and soul into since 1995.”

In addition to Seattle, SipWithMe is available in Austin, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Houston, Indianapolis, Minneapolis-St. Paul, New York City, Philadelphia, Phoenix, South Florida and Washington, D.C.

About Caffe Vita

Caffe Vita has been roasting coffee in Seattle since 1995 as an independent and locally owned company. From their beginnings at the base of Seattle’s Queen Anne neighborhood, they now operate 10 cafes throughout Seattle, New York and now Phoenix. Caffe Vita coffee is always fresh, imported directly from the farm and roasted on-site. Learn more at www.caffevita.com.

About WithMe, Inc.

WithMe, Inc. makes people's lives better every day through convenient, technology-powered amenities for the multifamily industry and beyond. WithMe’s PrintWithMe and SipWithMe solutions make resident printing and coffee simple, helping property management leaders deliver an elevated living experience and meet evolving resident needs for remote/hybrid work spaces, while simultaneously decreasing spend, controlling costs and saving time for staff. PrintWithMe powers printer amenities and staff solutions at thousands of multifamily, cafe and coworking locations across all 50 states. SipWithMe, which is now available in major markets, is disrupting the coffee amenity category. WithMe is an Inc. 5000 fastest growing company, appearing on both the 2021 and 2022 lists. Learn more at www.withme.com.


Becky McLaughlin, Director of Marketing

1556 West Carroll Avenue

Chicago, Illinois 60607


Multifamily proptech company brings its innovative coffee amenity to South Florida and partners with Fort Lauderdale-based Wells Coffee Company.

Chicago - (February 9, 2023) SipWithMe, the elevated coffee amenity for multifamily properties, launched in the South Florida market this week. Committed to supporting local roasters, WithMe selected Fort Lauderdale-based Wells Coffee Company as its coffee supplier in the market.

“WithMe is ecstatic to launch SipWithMe in South Florida,” said Jim Carbone, vice president of operations. “Our machines are improving the resident experience and revolutionizing a popular amenity. Our innovative roast-to-order technology means residents have access to fresh, barista-quality beverages with the push of a button. We’re also proud to support local economies by partnering with local roasters in each market.”

SipWithMe has been elevating resident coffee amenities in multifamily properties since 2021. Every SipWithMe machine is stocked with fresh, locally sourced beans and can craft more than 20 roast-to-order, barista-quality beverages in seconds. Residents can conveniently order through their electronic devices or on the machine’s HD display. SipWithMe was also designed with property managers in mind, offering proprietary technology to quietly monitor and limit excessive consumption, as well as inventory management assistance and robust support.

Wells Coffee Company, the local coffee supplier for South Florida SipWithMe devices, is a wholesale specialty coffee roasting company owned and operated by Brandon and Nicole Wells, a husband and wife duo. Rooted in the belief that coffee is not merely a beverage, but rather a ritual to be enjoyed, they are on a mission to help coffee lovers “Drink Deeply.”

“We’re thrilled about our new SipWithMe partnership,” said Brandon Wells. “The technology platform they’ve developed, together with innovations in specialty brewing equipment, has created a way for residents in fast-paced urban settings to have access to delicious coffee before they ever leave home.”

In addition to South Florida, SipWithMe is available in New York, Philadelphia, D.C., Houston, Austin, Chicago, Denver, Phoenix, Seattle and Dallas metro areas. SipWithMe is scheduled to launch in Minneapolis-St. Paul and Indianapolis in the first quarter of 2023.

About WithMe, Inc.

WithMe, Inc.’s mission is to deliver convenient technology-powered solutions that create elevated living experiences. WithMe, Inc. was named one of the top 1500 fastest-growing private companies in the United States on the 2022 Inc. 5000 list. Its flagship subsidiary, PrintWithMe, LLC, powers printer amenities and staff solutions at thousands of multifamily locations across all 50 states. Its newer subsidiary, SipWithMe, LLC, was launched in 2021 and is now disrupting the coffee amenity category in the multifamily space.


Becky McLaughlin, Director of Marketing

1556 West Carroll Avenue

Chicago, Illinois 60607
