Back in 2020, Lincoln Property Company partnered with PrintWithMe to offer all-inclusive printing services to their residents nationwide. Since then, nearly 34,000 multifamily apartment homes have enjoyed the benefits of their national partnership.

"When looking for a printing partner, Lincoln was searching for an elevated amenity for our residents while also providing cost and time savings for our teams. PrintWithMe checked all of the boxes, providing support seven days a week, auto-shipping supplies, as well as making our residents' privacy a top concern. It has provided convenience for our residents while taking our teams out of the printing business.”

- Theresa Kaiser-White, Vice President-Asset Management and Procurement at Lincoln Property Company

It’s no surprise that Lincoln Property Managers are choosing PrintWithMe and SipWithMe for their amenity solutions. We’re both dedicated to creating elevated experiences, leveraging tech to make our lives easier, and blending comfort with convenience. With more and more Lincoln properties signing on for WithMe amenities, we wanted to take a moment to acknowledge what we’ve accomplished together so far…

Lincoln + PrintWithMe

Together, we’ve printed over 2 MILLION pages. That’s nearly 1,000 pages a day!

We helped over 44,000 residents print over 345,000 print jobs. That means we’re helping nearly 20 different residents a day across all Lincoln properties with just printing alone.

Here’s what some of the Regional Property Managers are saying about PrintWithMe:

  • PrintWithMe is affordable and easy to use. They handle the refills and there is no leg work for the management team.” - Mandy Shaw, Property Manager at Skye Suwanee in Suwanee, Georgia
  • No hassle operations. No more disruption of office staff for just printing things.” - Dan Chan, Regional Property Manager in Massachusetts
  • “PrintWithMe has truly revolutionized the resident experience. Our properties found that making the switch resulted in savings for the property between money spent on supplies, repairs and employee time." - Scott Fleming, Regional Property Manager in Illinois

With an average resident utilization rate of 89%, residents are loving their PrintWithMe. This is what they’re saying:

Resident testimonials on PrintWithMe:
Quick and easy!
Fast and secure
So easy, I love it

Learn more about PrintWithMe for Lincoln here.

Lincoln + SipWithMe

SipWithMe is our newest resident amenity to hit the market. And together, we’ve already served more than 105,000 cups of coffee (tea, hot chocolate, or another one of the 20+ drink options). That’s almost 200 cups a day! We’ve helped over 600 residents power up every morning. 

Representatives from Lincoln rated SipWithMe 10 out 10, citing “ease of use,” “locally roasted coffee,” and “residents’ satisfaction” as the main drivers for their rating. You can see what residents are saying first hand here:

Image of SipWithMe devices in multifamily apartments. Resident testimonials say "ease of use, good coffee, inexpensive" 
"great coffee"
"great service"

Learn more about SipWithMe here.

Can you believe how much we’ve accomplished together? Keep up the great work! You’re making residents happier, controlling costs for the business, and making life easier for everyone. 🎉