
Keep your residents informed throughout the COVID-19 crisis by leveraging these free social media tools from PrintWithMe.

As in-person communication becomes impossible, it feels as if the internet and social media were built for times like this. Social media allows us to connect virtually and, most importantly, communicate essential information to our audience and community.

Many property management companies have limited physical contact between property staff and residents by reducing office hours or by opting to completely transition their on-site teams to remote work. However, it is still possible to create a sense of community and to keep residents updated through the effective use of social media.

PrintWithMe has put together a series of free downloadable graphics that you can post on your properties' social media accounts.

Right-click to save images or download all images here.

Scroll down to see PrintWithMe's top tips for communicating effectively on social media during the COVID-19 outbreak.

1. Let residents know that you are there for them

Your residents will greatly appreciate knowing that they can reach out to you if they need help during this extraordinary time. Remind them that you're still available to help.

2. Remind residents to take necessary precautions

It's helpful to remind your residents about the best practices they can take to minimize the spread of the disease, for their benefit and for the benefit of the whole community.

3. Keep your residents and prospects updated before new policies are put in place

Residents will want to know how to reach out if they have questions about rent payments or maintenance requests, while prospects will want to know what type of self-guided or virtual tours are available if they are interested in an apartment. Give them the answers before they ask.

We hope these tips and free tools are valuable to your team as you work to address concerns related to COVID-19. We also want to thank you for all the hard work that you are doing to keep your residents safe during this time of crisis. #MultifamilyStrong

If you'd like us to help create additional materials you could use to communicate with your residents, please email marketing@printwithme.com. We are always here for you just like you're there for your residents.